Bohemian Christmas inspiration

Are you counting down till Christmas? Ready to take out the boxes with your Christmas decoration and start decorating the house. Or you want something different this year. Take it easy, prepare all with the family. It should be a time of creating memories.
And let see if we ca do something different this year, not even buying a Christmas tree as we are aware of climat change.

preparing for Christmas should be a family craft event

Christmas crafting via Borastapeter

No red shiny Christmas balls, we will have a cozy afternoon with the kids preparing some paper decoration. Some old fashioned wallpaper would be great to use, but is maybe not that easy get your hands on. Take a look in the local craft store to find some nice heavy paper with different prints.

wrapping Christmas gifts with wallpaper

velvet ribbon via Flickr - gift wrapping via Maed - scissors via The French Needle

I love to have my gifts all wrapped in the same paper, or the same style. Ever thought of using some wallpaper to wrap your gifts? Maybe you can buy some samples or maybe you have some left overs. Finish it with a nice velvet ribbon. Or even better, cut wide strips of fabric to use as a ribbon. Take a look at home what you find that can be used to make the wrapping special this year. You know that even newspaper can be used? Add a nice ribbon and you will impress the ones who get the present.

enjoying Christmas around the table

candle arrangement via Sugerspice Twins - table setting via Our Food Stories

You feel the stress coming up when you think of the Christmas Eve dinner? It should not be. Christmas is a time of traditions, but feel free to break those traditions and start some new ones. The most important think is to enjoy the evening with friends or family. They will remember how they felt last year, probably not what they have eaten or even the presents they received. Keep that in mind when you start putting together the menu for this year. A nicely dressed table is a joy for the eye, mix your plates, glasses and cutlery to create a real bohemian table.

vintage Christmas decoration via Fab Mood - Christmas branches via Features & More

There is no need of a tree to create the Christmas feeling at home. Just some branches in a vase will do the job. Or on your next trip in the woods take home some branches and just add some old fashioned Christmas balls to create a unique setting. Be creative with what you have at home.

Christmas feeling in the whole house

decorated staircase via Glemham Hall - interior image via Aria

You don’t have to limit yourself decorating the living room, If this is your time of the year, then you can decorate the whole house. Add here and there an old Christmas ball with a fine velvet ribbon. Candles are a must. Make your home feel cozy in every corner of the house. Cookies coming out of the oven. Let a potpourri simmer on the stove.

Let the Christmas time been filled with cheer and wonder.

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