May Mood

Audra Foveo would say: If you've never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom.

The month of May is spring at its best.

May mood

May mood

What to do during spring in the month May :

  • open the windows, let the fresh air fill your room
  • time for spring cleaning and decluttering your home
  • use fresh but cold tones such as blues and green, combine them with pastel colors
  • time to use linen and crisp cotton
  • time to slow down a bit and plan your holidays
  • get a feeling of summer already in your home by decorating with items inspired by travel
  • going to seaside: take some shells with and get creative
  • decorate with plants (check my last week blog post about the advantages of decorating with plants)

Summer is waiting around the corner and this will be time to travel. So enjoy the month of May as there is still time to do things in the house,

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