Beyond the fact that plants offer an attractive way to decorate your home there are great health properties that house plants possess. We all know that house plants offer a natural way of producing a pure source of oxygen indoors, but do we realize that they can have some health benefits.They can aid in batting cold symptoms, can reduce stress, and even alleviate headaches.
1. Purifies the air
Rubber plant - cactus - Areca Palm - English Ivy
Plants make oxygen, this oxygen gas is an important part of the air, it keeps our cells and bodies alive. Some plants are perfect as they will filter some common toxins out of the air.One of the most recommended plants for improving indoor air quality is the SNAKE PLANT, also know as SANSEVIERIAS, is an easy to care-for plant. Works very well in bedroom too as it emits oxygen at night time whilst simultaneously taking in carbon dioxide, something we produce when breathing.
Snake Plant or Sansivierias
ENGLISH IVY is another one of American Space Agency (NASA) top plants for purifying the air. Easy to grow, this plant can improve symptoms of allergies or asthma. This plant can remove 78% of airborne mold in just 12 hours, as mold can affect our breathing. It's definitely a plant to have in the house, this evergreen vine looks great in an indoor hanging basket. But take care as this plant is toxic to kids and pets, so make sure to have it hight up, out of reach. You can also grow ivy in water. The leaves of the ARECA PALM have a gracious flow that will soften the energy of a home, it works wonders for air purification, removing all harmful toxins from the air for a clean and pure living environment.
2. Relaxing
Eucalyptus - fresh herbs in shower area
What can be more relaxing than taking a warm bath on a cold winter evening or a refreshing shower in summer? A time to indulge in a mini spa treatment. Natural aromatherapy in the bathroom can bring relief. Turn your bathroom in a personal spa, hang a bundle of fresh cut plants like EUCALYPTUS, LAVENDER, ROSEMARY, and LEMONGRASS in the shower, away from the spray of water: the heat and steam will carry the aroma through the entire room. EUCALYPTUS is antiseptic, anti-stress, brings mental clarity, and is a natural mood enhancer. You will enjoy the scent for a few weeks as you take your shower. When displaying a few plants in the bathroom you create the magic of an outdoor shower indoors. Don't forget they need natural day light. Main purpose in the bathroom can be to clean the body, having plants inside the room can have a calming, relaxing effect on the mind. Aromatherapy has been used to heal the mind since ancient times, the shower is the perfect place to use it, they will lift your spirits, calm your mind. Take a look here to learn more about plants which thrive well in a bathroom, and more here.
3.Improves the night rest
Lavender - Spider plant
When you have difficulties sleeping you will feel a lack of energy and it can result in poor health. Poor air quality from pollution, odors and molds can impact our breathing, thus making a good night's sleep more difficult. Being surrounded by nature can reduce stress, anxiety, and lowers blood pressure. Quality of sleep can be ensured simply by filling the room with a variety of plants that have a calming effect.
Jasmine - Peace Lily - Aloe Vera
JASMINE, this exotic plant has a gentle and soothing effect on body and mind. LAVENDER is the most well-known of all plants when it comes to reducing anxiety levels. Lavender scents slows down the heart beat, lowers blood pressure. ALOE VERA is also one of those power plants when it comes to air-improving plants, works very similar like the SANSEVIERIAS, emits oxygen at night which makes a more restful sleep. Perfect for those who are not talented in gardening: easy to grow and reproduces easily it tolerates to be neglected, not requiring frequent watering, it only needs a lot of direct sunlight. Another champion when it comes to purifying the air is the SPIDER PLANT. It removes around 90 % of formaldehyde from the air which is found in common household products such as adhesives, fillers. It will also absorb odors and fumes. PEACE LILY, also perfect for bedrooms, is not only pleasing to the eye, it is another of NASA's superstar plants, helping to filter out harmful benzene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde toxins. The moisture given off by these flowers can boost a room's humidity by up to 5%, and helps relieve those irritating dry noses and throats that keep you awake all night. Just a weekly watering is all they ask to give you a great night's sleep.
4. Creates positive energy
Plants improve the performance in the office
Plants are commonly used to decorate the home, use them also in the office as they increase happiness and productivity, so add a splash of greenery as it could quickly improve the performance. Many plants can actually improve the flow of positive energy into a space. Getting rid of negative energy around you is an important step to regaining your health and happiness. Seen we spend 8 hours at the office, we should take care of our well-being there too, not just at home. Not every office has a lot of natural light, PEACE LILY grows well in shaded and dark environments, as well as LUCKY BAMBOO. ALOE VERA fights of bad luck and negative vibes. SAGE is maybe a bit strange to have in the office, but it has incredible cleansing qualities that help rid air of negative emotions such as anger and fear, and it creates a flow of positive energy in the room. In case your office space is not the ideal place to have plants, try natural air fresheners, place them close to an open window. Playing nature sounds can also give some positive energy.
5. Keeps insects away
Basil - Lavender - Marigold - Peppermint
You want to find a way to keep uninvited insects in a natural way out of the house? There are powerful, pungent herbs that can keep bugs away. Have some BASIL in a pot on your countertop, it will make the mosquitos fly away. LAVENDER not only adds a pleasant sweet fragrance to the room, it repels moths, fleas, flies and mosquitos. MARIGOLD, commonly grown as an ornamental border plant, has a distinctive smell which mosquitos and some bugs find particularly offensive. Potted MARIGOLD can be put at the entrance of your home or next to an open window which are common entry points for insects. PEPPERMINT is growing fast, in a pot on the countertop it will keep ants and spiders away and you can use it in salads or make a refreshing tea for after dinner.
Taking care of your plants
Give your plants the amount of light they need, some love the sun, others prefer to be in the shade. They need water, but take care as one of the most common causes of plant death is over-watering. Some plants don't like to be moved around, find a perfect location for them and leave them on that spot, every plant has its individual needs. Wipe the leaves once and a while, prune your plants when needed.
Some other advantages when adding plants to your home beside the fact that can purify the air and have a relaxing benefits.
plants make you happy
they can improve your mental health
indoor plants are nature's humidifiers
no time for walk in nature, bring nature inside to reduce stress
you can decorate your home and bring at the same time vitality and life to your living spaces
I hope you enjoyed the blog post as much as I enjoyed doing the research and writing. And you can be sure, I will soon have more plants in the house.
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