Spring Feeling

Spring! For me it feels as waking up after a long winter sleep. The sun is giving some warmth, the days are starting earlier. Energy level goes up and I’m ready to explore and do more creative projects.

Spring bring warmth and color, but inside the house you need to use still the openfire

flower arrangement via Domino - fireplace via Pinterest

The sun is shining, temperatures are going up and first thing we want to do is get out in nature and breath tin this crisp fresh air. But, specially first days of spring, temperatures can still be low in the evening. So coming back in, after a long walk, the open fireplace is the spot to be around. Decorate with spring flowers, they are a perfect choice for a more bohemian inspired arrangement. Use some empty jars and bottles to create a great spring look.

First picnic of the year, under the trees full of blossom.

pic nic via Madame de la Maison - plates Oiseau Bleu Gien - Waterfall glasses Anthropologie

Who is not dreaming, after a long winter, of a picnic under a blossoming tree? Make it special and take out your nice porcelaine and glasses to have a very stylish lunch outdoor. I only started to do picnics a few years a go and I can’t wait to plan a new one. Is the perfect way to have a relaxed outdoor lunch with friends.

Spring is time to go to market , buy fresh vegetables and start cooking. That is spring feeling!

kitchen Pinterest - asparagus and Brie Quiche (with recipe) Half Baked Harvest

When I go now to the market and I see all those fresh vegetables, I come home with baskets full of vitamines. An amazing inspiration to get creative in the kitchen and invite some friends over for a lazy Sundays. It must be spring, I’m in the mood to try out a lot of new recipes.

First walk on the beach after winter, coming home and get a warm bath and wrap yourself in a wool blanket

bathroom via AD - blankets Lost and Found - interior image via Lee Caroline

A walk in the mountains or a first walk at the beach, what do you prefer? The beach will still be empty, it will all be yours. The sound of the waves, the birds and a fresh wind through your hair. Spring is a season that feels as I can breath again. We can get out in a fine sweater, no socks and a pair of sunglasses. For me is very relaxing, feels like holiday. Then you come home and you can enjoy a warm bath and stay in front of tv with a wool blanket wrapped around your shoulders.

Spring is in the air, we want to go out and plant seeds to fill our garden with flowers and vegetables all summer long

greenhouse via Domino - garden tools Apartment Therapy - plants via Lovely Life

Time to prepare for summer. Plant your seeds to have your home grown vegetables, flowers, fruits. It can be very relaxing to work in the garden, so enjoy the first sunny days to get out and get started.

Enjoy spring

  • get out for a walk

  • start plating seeds to enjoy in summer or later in autumn

  • go to market for fresh veggies and start preparing a healthy meal

  • prepare an amazing picnic

  • decorate your home with spring flower

  • enjoy still the chilly evenings around the open fireplace or wrapped in a blanket

Let the sun fill you wit energy!!

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