Yellow, the color of sunshine, hope, and happiness. Yellow, a color giving you confidence and bringing creativity, joy to our hearts and lift up our spirits. As the color of the sun it is associated with warmth, as the color of light it is associated with knowledge and wisdom.
It remains a color of contradiction: associated with optimism, amusement but also with betrayal and jealousy. On one hands yellow stands for freshness, intellect, loyalty and honor, but on the other side it represents cowardice and deceit.
Yellow ochre, a natural earth pigment was one of the first colors used during the late Stone Age, more than 17.000 years ago in the caves of Lascaux, in the south of France. For the ancient Egyptians yellow was was used to represent gold, the color of the sun, symbolizing eternity, immortality. Judas Iscariot, the disciple who betrayed Jesus Christ, would be painted with yellow clothing during the Post- Classical period, since than it would be associated with envy and jealousy. Those who were contradicting the religious teaching in Spain in the 16the century, had to appear before the Spanish Inquisition dressed in a yellow cape. In the 18th and 19th century a lot of synthetic pigments and dyes would be manufactured, replacing the traditional yellows made from arsenic, cow urine and other substances.
“How lovely yellow it is ! It stands for the sun. Vincent Van Gogh”
In the late summer of 1888 Van Gogh started to paint a series of sunflower after he received a note of his friend Gauguin that he would come and visit. Chrome yellow, one of Van Gogh favorite colors, was a perfect addition to the already very accessible saturated blues and reds pigments and would bring finally a balanced composition. Sadly this chrome yellow would have the habit of browning as it ages. Van Gogh’s sunflowers must have been much brighter when he painted them.
shades of yellow via Oui Blog - Pantone colors via Sample Templates
Lemon yellow, Naples yellow, chrome yellow, mustard yellow, ochre yellow, tumeric yellow, and many more. Natural pigments, synthetic dyes. Yellow is not high on the list of well-loved colors, is a pity as yellow is quite vital when decorating a welcoming home. And than I’m not talking about lemon yellow, sunflower yellow, but soft tones such as butter, cream which will soften the atmosphere in the room, will give it a sunny impression when the weather is grey outside.
lemons via Thrive Market - craspedia via House Mix - dining area via Casa Vogue
As the sunshine will fill our minds with positive thoughts, so also the color yellow. No better color to start the day with. A color of hope, a color which motivates and is mentally up-lifting. Start your day with optimism and confidence. Yellow could be a great choice to use in the kitchen. A golden yellow in the dining room will help with the digestion.
Brigthon Zia Tiles shower curtain Redbubble - bathroom via Seasons in Color
Yellow may not the first choice when we think of decorating our bathroom, but seen the positive impact it can have on our mood, this color could be a good option for those who have difficulties waking up in the morning. When I open the curtains in the morning and the sun is shining bright my day starts with a smile, I need another impulse when the clouds are covering the sky. In combination with white and dark grey your bathroom will look very trendy.
typewrite via Brit + CO - office via House & Garden
Yellow is a perfect color for the study, or your kids’ room. Yellow helps us to stay focussed, think clear, and helps us with the integration of new ideas and thoughts. Perfect color when you need to take some exams, it activates your memory. You need to give a presentation during the next meeting in your office? Yellow encourages the communication and build confidence. It will help us to find new ways of doing things.
knitted blanket via Arts & Classy - bedroom via House & Garden
Yellow is maybe not a great choice for your bedroom, but for a guest room it could be a perfect option. You will fill the room with positive energy, the warm vibe will be very welcoming for your guests. It could also be a good alternative for a junior room instead of the traditional pink for girls and blue for boys. But take care, use it as an accent color, not the main color in the room. To much can be to much and can affect your mental health.
Chinoiserie wallpaper via Mimimatelot - Chinese cabinet 1stDibs - lamp shades via Ana Rosa
Gold is the luxurious version of yellow, and used in the right way it will bring a very elegant note to the room. Golden yellow is a rich warm hue. In China even regular yellow had been special for over a thousands years. The roof tiles of the houses would be grey, except those of the Royal palaces, they would be golden. The dyeing method for imperial yellow was very labor-intensive which made that those fabrics would only be for the royalties. Gold leaves as a base for hand-painted Chinoiserie wallpaper, in combination with dark red and green tones for a splendid classical interior.
Color can have a big impact
yellow will stimulate both negative and positive emotions
great color to start the day with, it gives you meed a positive boost
for your study: improves problem solving - sharpens the memory - brings creativity
soft creamy yellows will bring cheer to the room
Is yellow something which can inspire you? Which is your favorite yellow tone?
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